Dr. Shermak has helped many patients to achieve a slimmer, more streamlined appearance in the upper arms that translates into greater confidence wearing short sleeves and swimwear.
What is a Brachioplasty (arm lift)?
Brachioplasty treats excess skin, fat, and contour irregularities of the arm, smoothing and pulling the skin to achieve a tighter, more toned look. Brachioplasty is a powerful operation that may be performed in conjunction with breast surgery, abdominoplasty, a back lift, and liposuction. There are different approaches to brachioplasty depending on patient presentation, with scars varying from those falling in the crease of the underarm; to scars that travel between the underarm and elbow; to an approach developed by Dr. Shermak that extends from the arm down the side of the chestwall and even into the breast area for a composite, comprehensive approach to the upper body. The approach taken is agreed upon by the patient who will understand how to best achieve his/her goals.