Dr. Shermak on Style Magazine
Dr. Shermak was featured in Baltimore Style magazine’s special section on Women’s Health on what you can do to best maintain yourself after 40.
Read more about Dr. Shermak on Style Magazine
Dr. Shermak featured in Style Magazine for Optimal Filler Experience!
Read more about Dr. Shermak featured in Style Magazine for Optimal Filler Experience!
Dr. Shermak in More Magazine
Dr. Shermak was featured in More Magazine discussing breast reduction and the right timing of surgery. Read full article here (PDF format)
Read more about Dr. Shermak in More MagazineDr. Shermak on WBAL News in Baltimore
Cosmetic Procedures to EnhanceJob Search – Baltimore Plastic Surgeon Dr. Michele Shermak
Dr. Shermak on Fox 45
Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michele Shermak discusses breast reconstruction on Fox 45 Morning News.

Dr. Shermak in Baltimore Jewish Times – “Unmasking Surprising Jewish Views On Plastic Surgery”
“Overall, says Dr. Michele Shermak, also of Baltimore Plastic Surgery, she doesn’t see much difference between the desires of her Jewish patients and others. ‘If anything, they may be a bit less trendy. For example, right now there’s the Kim Kardashian and Jennifer Lopez trend for big bottoms, and most of my Jewish clients won’t ask for that’… Silverman is adamant that her decision to have surgery was the right one, and she couldn’t have been happier with her surgeon, Dr. Shermak. In fact, she is very open about the procedures she has had. “I had three beautiful, healthy 9-pound babies. No matter what I did,” she says, “I could not get my body back. It’s not my fault; things happen!” A Pikesville native, Shermak says her interest in plastic surgery began with a film she watched in a social studies class at Pikesville High School.”

Dr. Shermak in MedPage Today – “Breast Reduction Riskier After 50″
“Given those factors, hormones could be one explanation for poorer breast reduction outcomes at older ages, the researchers noted. ‘In the laboratory, topical estrogen has been found to optimize wound healing, a process thought to be related to estrogen’s stimulation of growth factors,’ Shermak’s group explained. ‘Close questioning about factors that may cause hormonal deficiency such as history of hysterectomy/oophorectomy should be addressed, and hormone replacement therapy may be worth considering in this group of patients,’ they suggested in the paper. Other explanations could be the effect of aging on the skin — atrophy, progressive loss of function, increased vulnerability to the environment, and decreased homeostatic capability — as well as on other processes needed for wound healing, such as cell proliferation and migration.” Click here to read the full article by Crystal Phend at MedPage Today.

Dr. Shermak in The Baltimore Sun
“…A woman was arrested in Miami recently after allegedly injecting tire repair adhesives in a similar procedure. Earlier this year, a British woman died after an improper procedure in a Philadelphia hotel room, and a New York City woman was arrested on charges that she performed illegal breast and buttocks-enhancement procedures in her home, according to news reports. ‘Who would imagine someone would let someone else inject them with something from Home Depot? It’s insane,’ said Dr. Michele Shermak, a Lutherville plastic surgeon and spokeswoman for the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, which has launched a campaign to educate the public on the perils on plastic surgery performed by the untrained. ‘It’s horrible on so many levels,’ she said. ‘You’re going to have a toxic reaction.’…” Click here to read the full article by Meredith Cohn at The Baltimore Sun.

Dr. Shermak in Baltimore Magazine
Dr. Shermak featured in Baltimore Magazine’s Top Docs issue, 2011. Click here to view the Baltimore Magazine website and find out where you can pick up a hard copy today. Dr Shermak’s latest article in Baltimore Magazine.
Read more about Dr. Shermak in Baltimore Magazine
Dr. Shermak on Fox 45
Dr. Shermak was featured on the Fox 45 Morning News for a segment called, “Take Action: Breast Cancer”